Na Gabh Dragh
Learn Gaelic then party with some of the best artists based in Scotland. First, a Gaelic course geared towards language used on a night out, then put your new skills to test on the dance floor. Created by two loved Scottish music/club nights Baile Baile and Slainte Mhath. Starting off in the Library Gallery, we’ll all be studying hard from 8-10, then move into the Old Lab for 10-3. Ionnsaichidh sinn Gàidhlig còmhla ris an luchd-ealain as fhèarr san dùthaich. Cùrsa Gàidhlig an toiseach airson do cuid Gàidhlig a leasachadh. An uairsin cleachaidh sinn na sgilean ùra againn tron oidhche. Air a chruthachadh le baile/baile agus Slàinte Mhath