storytelling, Artist(s) of Colour

Precious Cargo

As children they were evacuated from a war zone. Fifty years on, Barton and Andy are still trying to find out who they are. Precious Cargo is a powerful, timely new show about the life-long impact of the Vietnam war, by Australian writer-performer Barton Williams (Huynh van Cuong) and Hebridean composer Andy Yearley (Nguyen Tang). Drawing on interviews with Operation Babylift adoptees from across the world, it is a story about the chaos of conflict, childhood trauma, racism and a generation running out of time to find lost families. Directed by Fringe First winner Laura Cameron-Lewis.

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    • £10.00 - £17.00
    • 1-26 August 2024
    • 60 minutes
    • Summerhall Festival
    • subvenue Demonstration Room
    • warning
      Contains distressing or potentially triggering themes. References war orphans talking about experiences of grief, displacement, racism, and searching for lost families.
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    Summerhall Festival

    (Venue 26) 1 Summerhall, EH9 1PL


    Demonstration Room